Monday 4 January 2016

English- The Greek Legend of Arachne - Question and answers and Fill in the Blanks.

Extra Question and Answers:-

1.       Where did Arachne live? (Arachne lived in Lydia in Greece.)
2.       How does Arachne look like? (Arachne was a young girl with long and dark hair.)
3.       How did she weave beautiful pictures on her clothes? (She worked with flax, wool, silk and wove beautiful pictures on her cloth.)
4.       What is the town Lydia famous for? (The town Lydia was quite known for the magnificent textiles.)
5.       How does everyone praise Arachne’s work? (Everybody said that the clothes made by her seemed like the rays of the sun and threads of gold.)
6.       Who became arrogant ? (Arachne became arrogant.)
7.       Why did Arachne become arrogant? (Arachne became arrogant because every one praised the beautiful cloth she wove.)
8.       “Who taught you how to spin and weave so well? Was it Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and craft?” – who said to whom? (A passer-by said to Arachne.)
9.       Who decided to give a chance to Arachne to realize her mistake?(Goddess Athena.)
10.   How does Athena disguised herself? (Athena disguised herself as an old woman.)
11.   Who was the judge of the contest? (Zeus was the judge of the contest)
12.   Who was ashamed and started weeping? (Arachne)
13.   Why did Arachne start crying? (because she lost the contest and according to the condition she cannot touch the loom or spindle again.)
14.   Who felt sorry for Arachne? (Goddess Athena)
15.   How did Arachne continue to spin and weave without the spindle or loom? (Athena changed Arachne into spider, then she started to spin a web.)
16.   Where did the word ‘Arachnids’ derived from? ( Greek name Arachne that means spider.)

Fill in the Blanks:
1)      Athena was the Goddess of wisdom and crafts.
2)      Athena disguised herself as an old woman and went to meet Arachne .
3)      As people praised her day and night she became a little arrogant.
4)      Arachne was ready to have a spinning contest with Goddess Athena .

5)      Who will lose the contest will not touch the loom and spindle .

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